14th to the 26th of July
Paris area
All of this is before us, “in the beginning.”
“The Word was the true light, the one that enlightens every human being; it came into the world.”
(John 1:9)
At the beginning of all things, the Word is the Créateur Himself. At the very moment the spring becomes aware of what it is and begins to flow to form a world, in the intimacy of God’s presence, the Word was.
It forms the human – us – our relationships with others and with the Other because it distinguishes, differentiates, separates, names, and connects. A Word that tells us about ourselves, for it is the expression of God’s love.
All of this is part of the same story, the same heritage.
As the flame marks the starting point of the games; God is our starting point.
God is Word, life, and light. And He needs us to bear witness to it. He could certainly have managed this Himself without ever leaving heaven, but His desire is that humanity transmit this Good News.
God is the Word: We give thanks for this unique and powerful Word that created the world and humanity. And we marvel to discover that this Word is more than just words, vocabulary, grammar, discourse. It is creative, thought, action, life, divine Word, and light.
Glowing light like a flame, warming hearts and souls.
It travels around the world, radiant, from witnesses to witnesses, crossing every corner of the earth to inhabit each and every one.
Thus, the Word needs witnesses, and that is why we are invited to make it live by becoming witnesses of this Good News in turn.
God is Life: Listening to the Word, living the Word, dwelling in the Word are all ways of choosing life. It is bearing witness to life, reflecting life, giving everyone the chance to realize the extraordinary gift that life is.
“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us”: He is the unique one, He is the Son, He is the love and glory of God. A creative word, a word thAll of this is before us, “in the beginning.” at gives life. To bear witness to this good news is to bear witness to life, to reflect life. And at the foundation of life lies the light of God.
God is light: a light in which the world takes shape. It gives meaning to our history and enables us to look towards tomorrow with serenity. For God offers Himself to all as light and for all. Light is only useful when it manifests to give clarity. It makes those it strikes sparkle with the shimmering of a thousand reflections of the testimony, bouncing off them, becoming witnesses of this light in turn. For the world still needs witnesses to allow the light to be manifested, so that all may believe through it.
God is Word, life, and light. A warmth that calls to us. A light that animates us. The presence of God!
The flame which, today, passes from witness to witness, was born from the rays of the sun in front of the ruins of the temple of Hera in Olympia. Let us not forget on the way to bring the Good News of a radiant God to the four corners of the world. Of a God, light for the world! For to God alone be the glory!

Specific Prayer:
My God, here we are at our moment of meeting.
But do we have to speak of a meeting every time we want to address you?
After all, you have chosen to abide with each and every one of us all along the journey of life.
I bring you my words, more words, my own words. Are words still enough?
Those which have said everything and continue to say.
Those which have already poured out everything.
These words prayed, meditated, pondered, even shouted, claimed in this world.
Words that burn, or warm…
What words should I say?
And what if it were your words I was waiting for, Lord?
Maybe they will allow me to embrace this world a little more.
To be more attentive to those who struggle
To understand my own uncertainties, doubts
All of this, Lord, we lay before you.
And here we are, ready, our hearts ready to hear your word resonate within us.
Allow it to transform our perspective.
As the flame illuminates and passes to the four corners of the world,
May it pass through the witness of our city,
Allow us to realize that we are part of a great lineage of witnesses who for generations have made Your Good News shine.
Remind us constantly that you have made us your children, shining the light of your grace.
Personal introduction: Mathilde Porte, after a journey of multiple dimensions, from studies in Montpellier, a year in Toulouse in the associative world, then a year in the United States to complete his training, and a first position in the Paris region, she now serves as a pastor of the United Protestant Church in Orne. In addition, she has a ministry as a prison chaplain in Le Mans. A rich ministry in everyday life.
Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.

Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.