Second week of the Games
August 3rd to 11th
When temptation comes
“Why do you sleep? he tells them. Get up! Pray not to give in to temptation” (Luke 22:46).
If I ask you what “temptation” means to you, it’s very likely that you’ll come up with a list of acts and behaviors that are condemned by religion or morality. Acts to be avoided, and behaviors to be proscribed, because it’s true that playing too close to the fire almost always results in getting burned.
But there’s more to temptation than that!
In the passage that interests us, Jesus warns his disciples about a phenomenon that threatens us all if we’re not careful: renunciation.
The apostles have just celebrated the Passover, as tradition dictated, and a discussion had taken place after the meal, before the disciples headed for the Mount of Olives.
Once there, Jesus tells them the next part of the “pray not to enter into temptation” program: tonight is a sleepless night, folks!
But remember, it was late, the evening was drawing to a close, everyone had eaten well and was certainly very tired from the day.When temptation comes
Is it wrong to want to rest under these circumstances? Is it an act to be avoided, a behavior to be proscribed? Something condemnable by religion or morality?
And in the context of what you’re doing today, what about it?
Perhaps you’re a sportsman, you’ve just made a major effort, you know that tomorrow you’ll have to get back into it, you simply want to rest and doze off just long enough to regain your strength…
Maybe you’ve just been fighting or struggling with a complicated situation for days, months or even years, maybe you’re even confident that God is in the case, that he’s there with you, just as Jesus was there with his disciples, and you just want to take advantage of a lull to lie down, close your eyes and regain your strength…
Yet Jesus asks you to stay awake!
What’s more, he’s asking you, as he did with his disciples, to stay on your feet!
On your feet, so that you’re ready to take up the fight again, on your feet so that you don’t give up.
Because after the temptation to doze off, there will inevitably come the temptation to give up, and then abandonment is sure to follow…”. Finally, it’s too hard, I’m throwing in the towel”.
If you’ve taken the time to read this thought, I ask you: don’t fall asleep, get up and pray that you won’t be tempted to give up.
Maybe you’ve never prayed before, so let me do it for you…
Father, I pray for this reader; you know his or her situation and I ask you to give him or her the strength to overcome this temptation to give up, to give in to what he or she is going through right now. Show your glory and power in this trial, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, Amen!

Specific prayer for the Games security services: Father, I pray to you for all those who ensure the security of this event, and I thank you for their availability, their professionalism and their commitment. I pray to you for those who might be tempted to become complacent or even give up, and ask you to give them the strength they need to carry out their mission successfully. Father, I ask you to put in their path people filled with gratitude and encouragement. Bless also their families, many of whom are far away, and give them the opportunity to enjoy special moments when the mission is over and they return home.
Personal introduction: Pierre Sénétaire is married with 3 children, originally from Auvergne, he lives in the Paris region, is a pastor and serves as a Protestant military chaplain with the French Ministry of the Armed Forces.
Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.

Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.