29 May to 7 June
Atlantic Coast
Your light shines before men
“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
What a comparison between the Christian and the light!
Jesus had just taught about the characteristics of a disciple regarding “the blessed” in his Sermon on the Mount. Then, he adds two traits, two comparisons, to help us understand our role in the world, namely salt and light.
Light shines and illuminates. Light radiates and dispels darkness, allowing us to see what was hidden from our view, like an electric lamp at night to find our way.
Jesus says that in the same way, a city on a hill cannot be hidden, the life of a disciple will radiate in such a way that it will be impossible to hide. In other words, the life of a disciple has a positive effect in the world.
My first profession was a sailor. Sailors love lights at night, like lighthouses. Indeed, it reassures us as they warn us of dangers, help us confirm our position on a navigation chart, and communicate to us that we are safe. I remember many experiences at sea, as we approached a port during the night. Gradually, the entire crew could see the glow of the city lights, even before seeing the lights directly: it generated a sense of joy knowing that we were going to arrive safely.
Jesus, who lives in us through his Spirit, transforms us from glory to glory. This transformation is not from the outside to the inside, but rather the reverse, and profoundly changes how we live in the world. Jesus wants our way of life, our works on earth, to testify not of us, but of him. Not so that his disciples are glorified, but that God may be glorified and that men and women may be drawn to him. Christ, who lives in each of his children through his Spirit, allows there to be a multitude of lights on earth. These lights, like a city on a hill that is visible from afar, cannot be hidden, so let us shine for Jesus, for His glory.

Specific Prayer: Father, thank you for your love for humanity, for every person living on the Atlantic coast of France, young and old. I pray that Jesus, the light of the world, who came to save us, to guide us to the safe harbor, the heavenly port, may shine through us, for your glory. Amen.
Présentation personnelle : Timothy Williams is a French-South African, pastor of “Le Phare de Rochefort,” an evangelical Protestant church located in Charente-Maritime. He is married with three children. He is also a Protestant chaplain at the Rochefort correctional facility.
Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.

Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.