9 June to 17 June
French Overseas Territories
Hope in Darkness
“…a light shone in the prison…” (Acts 12:7)
God’s light shines during a dark stage of Peter’s life. He is arrested because of his faith, but Christ, the Almighty, delivers him in a miraculous way.
- Herod arrests him because it pleases others.
Unfortunately, some delight in others’ failure, in others’ suffering. But God takes pleasure in your success; He wants to see you move forward and grow, flourish in your projects and victories. If, driven by faith in Jesus, you place your projects before God to accomplish them according to His will, the Lord will carry them through to their full success (Proverbs 16:3).
- Peter is chained in the middle of the prison surrounded by soldiers.
The situation is hopeless, with no possible way out. He would have undoubtedly preferred to be elsewhere and cannot free himself by his own strength. As man quickly reaches his limits, demonstrating his inability in so many areas, God declares that He can do all things.
Athletes have much merit and surprising abilities. Nevertheless, all have experienced or will experience moments of weakness and limits. Especially when it comes to faith, for without it, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
Jesus wants to: Give meaning to your life, give forgiveness for your sins, give true life, true freedom, true rest, true deliverance.
In this prison, the chains holding Peter will fall, the prison doors will open, the soldiers will see nothing. All this is made possible because it is the Lord Jesus who accomplishes it.
Yes, faith in Jesus introduces you to the idea that “All Things Are Possible.”
- In this prison, Peter was sleeping.
How can I speak of Peter’s faith? All we need to do is read his attitude! In the middle of the prison, surrounded by 16 soldiers, chained, awaiting his judgment by a king who wants him dead, Peter is ASLEEP!
How does one sleep at times like that? How is it possible to be at peace amidst such a terrible trial?
Jesus gave this promise: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest… And you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29).
The peace that God gives is not a fleeting joy but a real peace that does not waver according to circumstances.
- After thinking about it, he went to those gathered and praying.
The miracle Peter has just experienced does not leave him without a personal decision. The same goes for each one of us. Yes, Jesus WANTS to bless us. Yes, Jesus CAN bless us. Peter returned to the community of those who believe in Jesus. Can we not do the same?

Prayer for the overseas territories : “Even the most remote islands are under your holy gaze. I pray, Jesus, that you manifest yourself again and again beyond the seas. May life in your name be received, and may the power of your right hand shine in darkened hearts, for the advancement of your kingdom. Amen.”
Présentation personnelle : Mickael Vienne is married, two children. After a time in the National Police, then a time at the Bordeaux Bible Institute, I have been engaged in full-time pastoral ministry for over ten years. I currently serve the Lord in the south of the island of Reunion.
Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.

Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.