June 18th to 23rd
From Nice to Chamonix
Carrying the flame in tears but reaping the fruits in joy
“Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy” Ps 126.5
Have we ever cried while thinking of all the people who are going through difficult, traumatic or destructive situations? Has our heart ever been moved with compassion while seeing people who suffer?
Multiple times in the Bible, we see people sent by God weeping as they see the suffering of their neighbor. Jesus himself often wept or was moved with compassion over the people coming to see him. If those emotions inside us can seem difficult to carry, they are in fact allowed by our God. He shares with us his heart crying for the lost ones. This also reminds us of how we must spread the flame of the gospel. With compassion, with eagerness looking at the large number of people seeking for the truth.
And this burden of the “losts” also leads us to accept the mission that God entrusts everyone of us with :” to go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28.19 and 20). That is not an option but an act of obedience after having personally answered God’s call.
Finally, in the second part of this verse, a promise is given to us. When we serve with all our heart and we love others so that they can know Christ, there are great outcomes! God, in his grace, encourages us to persist as we see changed, transformed and healed lives. That should fill us with joy! The joy of seeing a lost sheep saved.
During the time of the Olympic Games, I would like to encourage us to keep sharing the Gospel to all those whom God will put in our path. And we should never forget that just like a top-level athlete that practices in tears, we should expect to receive the fruit of our efforts, and to enter into the joy of our Master when he gives us a taste of the harvest.
Let’s take up this exciting challenge with perseverance and…joy!

Specific prayer: Lord, I pray that the Christians you have placed in the region of Nice, Provence and Alps will be able to carry the burden of passing on the good news of the Gospel. Give them by your spirit this urgent desire to share the love of Christ. Thank you for all the projects already underway in this region. In Jesus’ name.
Personal profile: Laurent Virlogeux is Co-director of Association Grain de Blé France, he is married with 3 children. He has been working with young people for many years and is passionate about proclaiming the Gospel, particularly through sport and art.
Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.

Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.