June 25th to 30th
You are bearers of light
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Matthew 5:14)
This verse highlights our responsibility to reflect God’s light into the world, in a visible and impactful way. We are all bearers of this light, and it’s up to us to let it shine around us.
However, it is not always easy to let our light shine. Sometimes, we can feel insignificant or think that our actions have no impact. But Jesus reminds us that even the smallest light can make a difference.
So here are a few key points we can remember to keep that light alive within us:
- Our identity and responsibility: Jesus identifies his disciples as “the light of the world”. This implies a profound identity as bearers of light, but also a responsibility to spread that light in an often troubled world.
- Pathfinders in the dark: Just as a town high up on a hill cannot be hidden, we are called to shine in the darkness of daily life. Our light should not be confined, but must shine into all aspects of society.
- Influence and testimony: Light is often associated with truth, justice and life. By reflecting God’s light, we are called to be witnesses to truth and divine grace, by positively influencing those around us and society at large.
- Consistency of life: To be effective light-bearers, it’s important to live consistently with Christ’s teachings and values. Our character, words and actions must reflect God’s light and bear witness to God’s presence in our lives.
- Universal mission: Jesus does not restrict this mission to a group of disciples, but extends it to all who follow him. So each of us, whatever our background or status, is called to be a bearer of light in our own sphere of influence.
To conclude, being a “light-bearer” according to Matthew 5:14 is more than just a statement of faith; it’s a call to live in a new way and positively impact the world around us, reflecting God’s light and love in everything we do.
So I encourage you to be that light. Don’t hide it under a bushel, but let it shine for all to see.
Your light is precious and necessary to enlighten the world. I pray that the Holy Spirit will breathe powerfully upon you, that your light will shine and impact the world with force! May you be examples and pillars for others by being a light for them.

Specific prayer: Lord, we entrust the Grand Est region to you, and we give you thanks for all you are already accomplishing. May your Spirit breathe on the churches and deeds serving local communities and cities. May your light shine on every project during these Games and beyond. Amen
Personal profile: Célestine Moreau is 21 years old, studying for a Master 1 in STAPS in Adapted Physical Activity at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, Céléstine is passionate about artistic gymnastics. She is a member of Fabricants de Joie and attends the MLK church in Créteil.
Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.

Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.