July 7th to 13th
A relay of love
“Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” (1 John 4:21)
Have you ever loved someone?
The one who loves doesn’t count, he’s ready for anything. Some people are ready to move to another country, to deny their family, to change nationality or culture… to reach or to find love. Others are ready to offer excessive gifts to demonstrate their love.
“It seems that the heart has its reasons that reason ignores”.
For example, I remember that when I wanted to seal my engagement, I wanted to give my beloved an engagement ring. The value of the ring was beyond what I had as a student, but I wanted to mark the occasion. So I went on a grape-harvesting trip (which I’d never done before) before my final exam to please the woman who is now my wife.
– What defines love ?
Love requires at least two people. Love, in the sense of loving someone, is a choice and an act. We choose to love someone, and this choice is put into action. The sacrifices I make for the people I love are not the same as the sacrifices I make for other people, depending on the bond that unites us.1 Corinthians 13:7 says : “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” For example, I’m willing to get up every 3 hours for my newborn baby when he wakes up crying, but am I willing to do it every day for my work colleague?
– Why love in this way ?
I love this way because someone else did it for me (my father, my mother… my creator). God is the source of our love. He loved us to the point of sacrificing his son for us. Jesus is for us the illustration of what it means to love (John 3 v 16).
– How to love ?
This is not a commercial love, where love is bought and sold according to the fluctuating value of our gifts. Depending on merit, the value of the gift changes. I give my love in exchange for something in return. We don’t give our love to expect something in return. It’s not because we love God that God loves us in return. No, 1 John 4:10 “And love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that He loved us (CHOICE) and sent His Son as the atoning sacrifice for our sins (ACT).” He is the one who loved us first.
– What are the consequences of a loving act and choice?
“Whoever loves God must also love his brother” (1 John 4:21). This is God’s first and second commandment (Matthew 22:37).
God’s love is the source of all human love, and it spreads like fire. By loving his children, God lights a flame in our hearts. In turn, we love others who are warmed by the divine love poured out through us. It’s a relay of love. Christ is the light of the world, and for Him to illuminate the lives of others, we must pass on the torch to others after receiving it. We can illustrate this with our telephones or candles (depending on the configuration of the room).

Specific prayer: I pray that the Région Centre, which is hosting us and the participants in this meeting, will be a relay of love for all those who come into contact with them from near or far. The Bible says that he who waters, is watered. May the seed of love we have received waters the lives of all the residents of this region, so that the Name of Jesus may shine forth forever.
Personal profile: Berengeyh Mayombo is Married with three children. Professor of economics and social sciences in Reims. Moov’s national sports referent and soccer referee.
Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.

Project coordination : Fred Menigoz
Illustrations/conception : Catherine Jegu
Translations : Maelle Moungounga, Caroline Sans, Tom Hawkins.